Zoom Access Info

Join us for Worship on Sunday at 10:30 am!

There are three ways to join us each Sunday:

1. Come to the Worship Center in person.  You may wear a mask if you prefer and sit socially distanced. We generally sit in family or friend groups and it has worked well. 

2. Open up Zoom and join the conversation there. Before the service there will be time to chat. 

3. Watch the Gathering on Youtube (starting at 10:30 am). Look for the “Watch Live” title near the top!

How to Meet Us on Zoom! On a computer:  Use this link https://zoom.us/j/5869708142
You’ll need to get the pass code by emailing [email protected]

On your smart phone: Download the Zoom App
On your home telephone: Dial the access number (1-646-558-8656).

Use Meeting ID: 5869708142   Request the pass code by emailing [email protected]