What is God growing in you these days?
- – Feeling lost in a “big church” and longing for fellowship that’s more like family? Our family will embrace you…
- – Looking for a place to deepen your faith in God? You’ll be in good company…
- – Wanting to participate in practical Kingdom activities? Come serve alongside of us in local neighborhoods
See a recent sermon
Here is whats on at First Alliance Church:
***Click a link below for a further description of an event.***
August 20, Tuesday
8:30am-11:30am The Bridge Café open Tuesday to Saturday
6:00pm – 7:00pm Come to the Table – Soup or Salad Entree Meal – NO TUESDAY EVENING MEALS OR WORKSHOPS IN AUGUST
Wednesday, August 21
9:30am – 11:30am Card Games with Vicki
August 22, Thursday
9:30am-10:30am Community Breakfast
August 24, Saturday
8:00am – 12:00pm Buffaloe Road Produce
8:00am Men’s B,B, & B Meeting
August 25, Sunday
9:00am – 10:00am Adult Bible Studies
10:00am – 10:30am Fellowship-Coffee available
10:30am – 11:30am Sunday Service
Below: New events August through October:
Friday, August 30
10:00am Planning Meeting for Holidaze Bazaar RE-SCHEDULED FROM FRIDAY, AUGUST 23
Saturday, August 31
8:00am – 9:00am Men’s B,B and B Meeting – NO MEETING TODAY BECAUSE OF LABOR DAY WEEKEND
8:00am – 12:00pm Buffaloe Road Produce – NO PRODUCE TODAY BECAUSE OF LABOR DAY WEEKEND
9:00am – 11:00am International Play Music on Your Porch Day
Sunday, September 1
6:00pm – 7:00pm FAC Monthly Prayer Meeting
Tuesday, September 3
4:00pm – 5:30pm Writer’s Workshop – open to all!
6:00pm – 7:00pm Come to the Table – Soup or Salad Entree Meal
7:00pm – 8:00pm Men’s Gathering Workshop
7:00pm – 8:00pm Games Night at The Bridge Café
Wednesday, September 18
9:30am – 11:30am Card Games with Vicki
Saturday, September 21
10:00am – 7:00pm Ignite the Spark to Eradicate Suicide – Event-at Unity of the Triangle, Raleigh
Tuesday, October 1
7:00pm – 8:00pm Soul Care Book Discussion – Tuesday Evenings
Sunday, October 6
9:00am – 10:00am Soul Care Book Discussion – Sunday Mornings
Tuesday, October 9
7:00pm – 8:00pm Book Club – “I am Malala” is the book – all welcome!
Saturday, October 12
9:00am – 4:00pm FAC Women Holidaze Bazaar
Thursday – Saturday, December 5 – 7
8:45am – 5:00pm Soul Care Conference at FAC Church
Link to Soul Care on this website

Wednesday Morning Card Games at the Bridge! August 21st
Do you enjoy playing card games? Our card playing hostess Vicki Strayer is back at the Bridge Café on Wednesday August 21st from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.. Join her to learn a new card game or share a favorite.
All are welcome to join friends or meet new ones at this card playing event. For more information contact Vicki Strayer at 919-523-6218 or email [email protected]
The Bridge Cafe is located at the entrance to First Alliance Church at 4400 Buffaloe Rd, Raleigh, NC

Soul Care Conference – December 5-7 (Thursday through Saturday) at FAC Church
Link to Soul Care on this website
First Alliance Church is excited to be hosting a “Soul Care” Conference on December 5th – 7th, presented by Dr. Rob Reimer from Renewal International. The 3 day conference (8:45 a.m. – 5:00 pm Thursday – Saturday) will include a dynamic presentation by Dr. Reimer, small group discussion, as well as opportunity to receive prayer and counseling for broken and sinful areas of our lives where we need the healing of Jesus and community to break free.
The talks are based on his book “Soul Care” which covers topics such as securing your identity, repentance, breaking family sin patterns, forgiving others, healing wounds, overcoming fears, and deliverance.
Cost to attend is $125 per person – but there is an EARLY BIRD price of $100 if you register before September 30th! Here’s the link to register:
Dr Reimer’s passion is to see the kingdom of God advance through spiritual renewal. Rob began Renewal International to assist pastors, leaders and churches to equip the people of God to live in freedom in Christ, and to walk in the fullness and power of the Spirit.
Personally transparent, his books Soul Care, River Dwellers, Spiritual Authority and Deep Faith incorporate lessons God taught him over decades of ministry. Rob draws on these years of experience for his conference speaking and while mentoring pastors and leaders globally.
In addition to his work with Renewal International, Dr. Reimer is Professor of Pastoral Theology at Alliance University in NY, NY.
Explore more of Rob’s work, register to receive his newsletter and view his itinerary at https://renewalinternational.org
We are expecting 80 or more people at this conference. If you would like to volunteer to help with catering, ushering, registration or other tasks please contact Pastor Dan Rothra ([email protected] 919-606-3285) or Martha Poehler ([email protected] 919-931-4228)

FAC Prayer Meeting – September 1st at 6 pm
Come join us as we lift our church family and community up to a prayer-hearing and prayer-answering God. We’ll meet in the Education Building in Room 1.

Soul Care Book Discussion at First Alliance Church
First Alliance Church is hosting a free book discussion series using “Soul Care” by Dr. Rob Reimer. If you are interested in attending the Dec. 5 – 7th Soul Care conference at our church, this is an excellent way to learn more about Rob’s teaching and to prepare personally for the event. Even if you can’t attend the conference, the Soul Care book is a valuable resource for taking your relationship with Jesus to a more intimate level. It’s a book you can return to time and again and is best worked through slowly.
We have a 7 part DVD series (45 minutes each – followed by 15 minutes of discussion) which will be presented on 7 consecutive weeks starting October 1st. There are two opportunities per week to take part: Sundays 9-10 a.m. or Tuesday 7-8 p.m. – led by Pastor Dan Rothra.
You can get a Soul Care book from Marty Poehler (919-606-2169) for $14 — or purchase your own copy through https://renewalinternational.org
or Amazon.
Here is the schedule for the Soul Care Book Discussions:
Tuesdays – 7-8 pm – October 1st – November 19th (Note: no meeting on Election Day Nov. 5th)
Sundays – 9-10 am – October 6th – November 17th.
For more information contact Pastor Dan. 919-606-3285
Here’s a link about the Soul Care book, and where to order it:

Men’s Gathering Workshop- Tuesdays in September
Come join us for an hour long focus for men by men! Come fight the good fight!!
Explore 4 parts of King David’s life. Humble beginnings, rise to significance, temptation’s impact, and his return to the Father.
Practical strategies you can use to bless your family.
Mark Stewart will lead a couple of songs. Prayers for each other as we fight the good fight!!
7pm to 8pm on all four Tuesday evenings in September. Come earlier at 6 pm in September for our weekly community dinner! $4 suggested donation for dinner but not required.

Writer’s Workshop – Tuesdays in September 4:00 – 5:30
Calling all writers to hone your skill and sharpen your pencils. You are invited to bring your ideas and draft your memoirs (or other content).
This September workshop is designed to follow up on our recent writing opportunity. We will review the development of writing ideas from our lives and choose a writing focus for the month. Then set some writing goals to carry us through the month. Each week when we meet, participants will have an opportunity to share a couple of paragraphs from their most recent writing.
If you’ve thought about writing short stories, poems, biographical notations, or other narratives, you’re warmly encouraged to join us. Bring your notebook and a few pens/pencils and let’s see where God takes us!
For more information contact Dan Rothra: [email protected]
You’re also welcome to join us after the workshops in September for our Tuesday weekly Community Dinner at 6 pm for a $4 suggested donation. Home cooking and a chance to meet your neighbors.

International Play Music On Your Porch Day – Aust 31st!
Get practicing for International Play Music on Your Porch Day at the Bridge Café (First Alliance Church) on Saturday, August 31, 2024, 9:00am-11:00am, at 4400 Buffaloe Road!
Guitars and other instruments are needed! Vocalists are needed as we will be singing some old Gospel favorites.
On August 31st, we will be taking part in a world-wide event where folks come outside to play music on their porch. For that, we have the biggest and best porch ever! If the world would stop to play and listen to the music for one day, then for one day there would be world peace.
All are welcome! Musicians note that the playlist for August 31st will be in the Key of D, so if you know those chords you’re all set! Amateurs and professionals alike are welcome to join us.
For more information contact Joan Burroughs at [email protected]
Note there will be no Buffaloe Road Produce Sales on that day because of the Labor Day Weekend holiday.

Games Time at the Bridge Café – Tuesday Nights in September
Join us on Tuesday evenings in September (7-8 pm) for a relaxing time of playing board and card games with your neighbors. Hosted by our in house Gamestress Carolann Stone, it’s the perfect way to finish out your evening. Don’t forget you can come earlier at 6 pm for our weekly community dinner and enjoy a homecooked meal for $4.

New Book Club Tuesday Nights in October – All Welcome!
The votes are in and our October Book Club read is chosen: “I Am Malala” by Malala Yousafzai.
Join us on four Tuesday evenings in October, starting October 8th — at the Bridge Café. Our informal gathering is from 7-8 pm and all are welcome. You can borrow a library copy of this book from Marty Poehler (available September 19th). To reserve your copy phone/text 919-606-2169 or email [email protected]
NOTE: We’ll have a chance to get and read at least part of the book prior to our first meeting October 8th, as we did for the current book we’re reading. Marty has a list of the discussion questions for each of the four weeks, which will follow roughly a quarter of the book each session. (327 pages)
Here is a summary of this national best seller, written by a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize:
I come from a country that was created at midnight. When I almost died it was just after midday.
When the Taliban took control of the Swat Valley in Pakistan, one girl spoke out. Malala Yousafzai refused to be silenced and fought for her right to an education.
On Tuesday, October 9, 2012, when she was fifteen, she almost paid the ultimate price. She was shot in the head at point-blank range while riding the bus home from school, and few expected her to survive.
Instead, Malala’s miraculous recovery has taken her on an extraordinary journey from a remote valley in northern Pakistan to the halls of the United Nations in New York. At sixteen, she has become a global symbol of peaceful protest and the youngest-ever Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
I Am Malala is the remarkable tale of a family uprooted by global terrorism, of the fight for girls’ education, of a father who, himself a school owner, championed and encouraged his daughter to write and attend school, and of brave parents who have a fierce love for their daughter in a society that prizes sons.

Community Breakfast
Join us every Thursday morning at 9:30 a.m. in the Bridge Café for a Community Breakfast for only $4 per person. Enjoy home-cooked hot and cold treats, freshly roasted coffee and a chance to meet your neighbors on Buffaloe Road. Free Wifi. All ages welcome!
We’re located in the entrance to First Alliance Church at 4400 Buffaloe Road, Raleigh, NC.

Ignite the Spark to Eradicate Suicide Event – Saturday, September 21st
Did you know that suicide is the No. 2 cause of death in teens aged 10 to 18 in North Carolina?
If you are affected by suicide or know someone who is, come attend this community event on Saturday September 21st (10 a.m. – 7 pm) at Unity of the Triangle, 5570 Munford Road, Raleigh, NC.
Opportunities for involvement will include volunteering, attending, becoming a vendor, becoming a donor or becoming a sponsor!
Join our panel of individuals who take you through their own experience of healing and perspectives after being touched by suicide. Gain insights into what we as members of society can do to change the trajectory of this growing epidemic.
For more information visit www.ignitethespark.co or speak with Sheyenne Kreamer at 919-671-6134.
The morning session from 10 to Noon is free and will feature panel discussions. The afternoon session from 1- 4 pm requires a $20 ticket and preferably pre-registration (to plan for numbers) with personal access to wellness professionals, counselors and others from our community. The $20 ticket is to help support this and future events, and if you can’t attend you can donate or sponsor someone else on the website.
In the evening until 7 pm, rally with us at Dorthea Dix Park to build the energy towards new solutions! The Creator who made us can heal us!
Note: this event is posted as a community service announcement for an event outside the oversight of First Alliance Church. It is valuable to address the epidemic of suicide and thankful for those who give their time and effort to bring together community resources around this important topic. We believe Jesus came for the brokenness of the world that suggests that suicide is a viable alternative. God’s design is that we bear one another’s burdens and help each other find hope in God’s family. Jesus came to show us how deeply God loves us and how Jesus opens a path to rescue us from death. God’s desire is that we find hope to walk patiently through deep sadness and live another day!! John 10:10

October 12th –
FAC Women Holidaze Bazaar
At First Alliance Church we are excited about hosting our next Holidaze Bazaar & Craft Fair on Saturday, October 12th (9 am – 3 pm) to raise funds for a special mission project supporting victims of human trafficking.
Come sell your art, designs or crafts! Perhaps you are operating a home business and want to join us. Maybe you can bake some of those fantastic cookies, cakes or muffins to sell at your own bake sale table.
There are 20 covered outdoor spaces available in the covered walkways around the church buildings. Fee for a 10 x 8 foot space is $25 — and applications and payment must be received by September 1. Wi-Fi is available inside. Bring your own tables/chairs/display equipment. Set up on Saturday morning is from 7:30 – 8:45 a.m. (Proceeds from vendors’ own spaces is theirs to keep; the rental space goes toward the charity.)
There are also opportunities to be involved as we prepare for this exciting event:
1. Donate new or hand made items for sale. These can be left at the church office (Tuesday – Saturday mornings) or Bridge Café now. All proceeds will go to our charity.
2. Donate new items for the silent auction “Gift Baskets” – in themes of new baby, teacher, Italian Dinner night, pamper spa, and more. (Ask Virginia LaBoy for more information.)
3. Friday August 9th – 10 am – Craft meeting to make items to sell (just come – materials provided!)
4. Friday August 30th – 10 am – Planning meeting for the Bazaar
5. Bring your freshly baked goods or bread on Friday or early Saturday morning Oct 12th for the FAC indoor Bake Sale table – all proceeds going to our charity.
To reserve a vendor space or for more information, contact Ruby at 919-850-0698 or [email protected]

Buffaloe Road Produce at The Bridge!
Buffaloe Road Produce Saturdays is open 8 am – Noon at the Bridge Café (entrance to First Alliance Church at 4400 Buffaloe Road) and offering fresh produce for about $1/lb. plus an opportunity to meet your neighbors on Buffaloe Road. Come meet a new friend or bring your neighbor along. And stay tuned for special events coming up this spring and summer at these family gatherings.

Come to the Table Meal –
at 6:00 PM at The Bridge –
Come to our popular Tuesday evening “Come to the Table” dinners (6 pm)! Enjoy a home-cooked entree, salad and dessert for $4 and meet your neighbors. Why not bring a friend? We’re serving up great meals every Tuesday, starting again in September.
If you’d like to help cook or serve for these events, there’s a sign up sheet in the entrance to the Bridge Café – or speak with Pastor Dan.
Following the meal are free workshops (7-8 pm). They include book clubs, Bible studies, and craft get-togethers. No experience necessary for any of these workshops – all are invited! NO WORKSHOPS IN AUGUST – THEY WILL RESUME IN SEPTEMBER.

Sign up for reminders for BUFFALOE ROAD PRODUCE NEWS
Sign up for BUFFALOE ROAD PRODUCE NEWS – for weekly updates by email or text. Opt out anytime.
Get the scoop on limited produce options and special features, for Buffaloe Road Produce (has started up again!!).
Know when we’re open or closed – before you drive by!
Learn about interesting Saturday opportunities like: Pancake Breakfast; Coffee Roasting Classes; Kid’s Story Time.

The Bridge Café Coffee Shop
Tuesdays-Saturdays 8:30 – 11:30 AM
The Bridge Cafe (at entrance to First Alliance Church) has great bottomless coffee and home-baked treats. Programs include: TUESDAYS 6-6:30 PM – “Come to the Table” Soup or Salad Entree Supper ($4 suggested donation – not required) – followed by 7-8 PM Bible Study Workshop, Book Club, and Debt Free Seminar. All are welcome!

Food Pantry at First Alliance Church
Did you know about the Community Food Pantry at 4400 Buffaloe Road? (in parking lot of First Alliance Church). It was started by neighborhood residents Allison & Brandon DeLucca with the help of Dan Rothra, Kent Hoffman and Nora Hoffman (all in the photo) as a service to our neighborhood.
The Pantry is open 24/7 with the motto “Take What You Need – Leave What You Can.” It operates solely on the generosity of the Buffaloe Road community and First Alliance Church.
If you wish to donate non-perishable food or small toiletry items, you can leave them inside the pantry cupboard or deliver to the Bridge Cafe (entrance to First Alliance Church) Tuesday-Friday (8:30 – 11:30 a.m.) or Sunday (10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)

Community Center
Kids Clothes (infant to pre-K) – Inside The Bridge Café.
Food Pantry (at Bridge Café at First Alliance Church – parking lot.)
Supportive environment.
Opportunities to participate.
Book reading groups.
Music jam sessions.
Collaborative ventures.

Mens “Breakfast, Bible, and Bonding” Meeting
All men are invited to our WEEKLY Men’s “B,B & B” meeting (Bible, Breakfast & Bonding) every Saturday from 8:00 -9:30 a.m. at the Bridge Café (entrance to First Alliance Church.) Bring your own breakfast sandwich — and coffee and orange juice are provided. We’re studying the Epistles of John. For more information contact Walker Armistead 919 – 812 – 2528 or William Stone [email protected] Hope to see you there!

Ladies Prayer Partner Co-Op
The Women’s Prayer Warrior ministry started last Fall and will continue with current prayer partners for now. We will change partners in the summer. If you would like to be part of this ministry, contact Carolann Stone at 847-644-4864 or email [email protected]
As prayer warriors we keep in touch regularly with our partner, via phone, email or text. And ideally, a face-to-face time once a month. Prayer requests are shared, and mutual thanksgiving is made for answered prayers.
Consider joining us in this encouraging time of getting to know and build one another up in the faith.

In My Own Words:
This congregation amazes me with its gracious service and mutual support. They don’t just talk about loving, they work out their faith in real life. We are poised to demonstrate God’s love to neighborhoods around us. I’m proud to walk in community with people who authentically want to discover how following Jesus impacts our families, friends and co-workers!
Dan Rothra
Pastor, First Alliance Church
Phone: 919-606-3285
Email: [email protected]
Where are We?
4400 Buffaloe Road, Raleigh, NC 27616
Phone: 919-850-0698
email: [email protected]

We would like to thank e-Signs for their generous help with our signs at FAC Church! Visit them at https://www.esigns.com